Product Code Database
Example Keywords: trousers -jacket $26
   » Stat: User-stat-3233868610

User Statistics for 03/22/15

The entity "User" has a total of 0 records in the upcScavenger User database.
Fail: read scan is 0.00 seconds per record.The entity "Facebook" has a total of 789 records in the upcScavenger User database.
Success: read scan is 0.00 seconds per record.
The entity "User" has a total of 946 records in the upcScavenger User database.
Success: read scan is 0.00 seconds per record.
The entity "Facebook" has a total of 770 records in the upcScavenger User database.
Success: read scan is 0.00 seconds per record.
The entity "Android" has a total of 3383 records in the upcScavenger User database.
Success: read scan is 0.00 seconds per record.
The entity "Guest" has a total of 17563 records in the upcScavenger User database.
Success: read scan is 0.00 seconds per record.
The entity "Contact" has a total of 18 records in the upcScavenger User database.
Success: read scan is 0.00 seconds per record.


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