Harper Perennial The highly original satire about Oedipa Maas, a woman who finds herself enmeshed in a worldwide conspiracy, meets some extremely interesting characters, and attains a not inconsiderable amount of self knowledge.
The book is considered the first Postmodernist novel although I think Fredric Jameson's phrase "the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism" is a more precise terminology. The book is basically a quest for Adam Smith's Invisible Hand and does much to reflect on the nature of Capitalism at the Dawn of Postmodernism.Pynchon speaks on many aspects of Capitalism and, for example, in the following passage directly to the plight of intellectual workers who find themselves enta..
A terrific little book that I enjoyed far more than I expected. I'm sure there are all sorts of subtext that the post-modernists professors love to pour over. For me, taken at face-value, it was an interesting detective story, as our fearless heroine attempts to make sense of an ages old conspiracy--involving the mail, no less--and how it continues to this day. Looking a level deeper, it is the story of a suburban housewife who is given the chance to have an advent..